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I remember the Thread on SimHq....was this pic in there?






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This is a VERY COOL shot! When I was a Boatswainsmate on the USS Independance back in 77-79, we would put on an airshow everytime we hit a foreign port. The finale was a low flying Phantom about 30-50 feet off the carriers deck make a pass at the speed of this aircraft. They often told us they were going supersonic and to plug our ears. Occasionally we would here the BOOM as the plane worked on his approach.

The Flight Deck Boss would call out the approach of the Phantom and as everyone watched, that dot would grow with surprising speed. As it approached you couldnt hear a thing either from the crowd or the aircraft. But I destinctly remember this "halo" around the craft everytime. I always thought it was vapor as you could see what appeared to be vapor sweeping back off the wings also.

Anyway, the aircraft would pass overhead and suddenly WHAM! BOOM! It was always a hoot when the people who werent paying attention hit the deck, hehehe. Thought they were gonna die, hehehe. I still chuckle. Loved those pilots, they had a pair of brass ones I tell ya and loved a joke. If they werent looking back chucklin Ill be surprised. Good ole VF-102 Diamondbacks. Good ole Indy...ahhh the memories...hehehe.

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