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After the Agusta, I manage to make AI be able to handle an "helo FM" for Huey. One cannot say the FM is a "realistic" helo FM but (very important) it can be used by player and AI... So Campaign or other custom mission coulb be done with helo flying like helo.


This is a little vid where you can see a complete CAS mission by 10 AI UH-1B near Khe Sanh...


The ride of Hueys B....


Ok their way of landing is little bit strange but hey...

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lol @ 90dgr landing turn. Looking real awesome though - perhaps you'd be willing to lend a hand with some helis?

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Nice mod, Kreelin. I assume you made the mission in your own KMD. How did you set up the choppers? Did you set them as one large formation or a couple of smaller flights. I also assume you set the CAS because that makes the AI stick around the scene of the action longer? Thanks for the video.

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WOW. I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw them firing their rockets. Nice job! :good:


Now they really look like a swarm of angry bees; reminds me of a quotation from a Huey pilot in vietnam:


"No two helicopters were ever on the same height or the same distance apart. There was no order at all."


Was that set up as each plane an individual flight, or did you make new formation entries?

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Guest CW2. Wells
WOW. I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw them firing their rockets. Nice job! :good:


Now they really look like a swarm of angry bees; reminds me of a quotation from a Huey pilot in vietnam:


"No two helicopters were ever on the same height or the same distance apart. There was no order at all."


It may appear to be chaos, but trust me, it is a controlled chaos.


Nice little mod. The only thing that bothers me about how the AI fly helicopters, is the alt at which they fly them. For a run and gun like this, anything over 1K AGL is way to high.

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Ouch look at that nasty seam in the city, I'll have to fix that :moil:

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... The only thing that bothers me about how the AI fly helicopters, is the alt at which they fly them. For a run and gun like this, anything over 1K AGL is way to high.


Yeah... This is a real problem.... It's just because AI use the same pattern as for plane. It's a generic pattern. I hope TK will do something about it one day.

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