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Getting aircraft to fly off carriers in single missions

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I was messing around with Razbam's AD-4 trying to see if I could set it up so that every time I loaded that A/C in a WOV single mission, it would fly off a carrier. I changed nation name from USAF to USN, and double checked that carrier based was set at true. When I loaded up a single mission, though, I was still on land.


I then loaded a single mission with the f-4J, which is already a navy aircraft and is flown off of the carrier in the campaign, but I got the same result. Started off from an airbase on land. After I thought about it, I don't remember ever starting on a carrier in randomly generated single missions.


So my questions are: Can you start on carriers in the randomly generated single missions?




Is there a way to specify that a specific aircraft will always start on a carrier?



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Guest capun



You have to create custom missions. Search this site for carrier training missions, download the mission editors and create your own.


There may be other missions in the download area that start from carriers too, you need to look there

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You have to create custom missions. Search this site for carrier training missions, download the mission editors and create your own.


There may be other missions in the download area that start from carriers too, you need to look there


Alright, thanks!

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