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Gotha G.I Beta Released for FS-WWI!

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That's right, Germany gets its first 2-engined bomber finally! This bomber flew in the early years of the war (1915-1916) and was one beast to down. Now the readme:


**Gotha G.I Beta 1**


This too is a plane of a first, and a third... ;) It's the third "complete" World War I heavy bomber for SDOE. It's also the first World War I German bomber for SDOE. Wakeup tailgunner/PR surprised the heck out of me when he said he was working on a Gotha G.I. It's beautiful!!!!! Many people helped out in the making of this kite. I would like to thank Aladar for his main skinning work, 3d model of the machine-gun and some instruments, Recon3 for his cockpit skinning work, and all the people who tested her out and contributed info.


To install: Extract to the Media folder with the 'Use folder names' option checked.


There is a new startup.ppf file in this zip that must get extracted aswell for the new bombs. It is up-to-date on both WWI and WWII fronts.




-DM includes fuel leaks, respectable engine DM, minor control surface DM and damaged models.


-Moving control wheel, column and throttle.


-The ability to man the pilot, nose/rear gunners and bombadier positions.


-The ability to drop large bombs!!!


-Many more!


**NOTE** Do NOT go into a steep dive with this areoplane! She is fragile... Also remember that this is no sports car. Early WWI planes must be handled with TLC. (Tender Loving Care) The climb rate is slow, especially with a bomb load so keep this in mind.


As this is a beta there are still some things that may need to be worked on/ironed out. If you notice any bugs please report them! And if you have any suggestions I would be most greatful to hear them. :)


Known Problems/things to be done: Insides are iffy. (We had some pics) WTG/PR did darn good considering he had VERY little to go on. If you have any close-up pics of the insides of this kite, by all means send them to me!


Download her here: Gotha G.I Beta







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