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New campaign engine details

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Just picked up this little tidbit over at the Ubi forum.

Guys - you have no idea how cool this campaign engine is. With earlier versions of Flanker, Warroom included resource management, moving battlefields and front lines, and a whole host of other great features. It was originally designed as a two player campaign engine. Shepski and I battled may times. It basically makes you a Battlefield Commander and you also get to fly you're own missions if you want. Great stuff!!!
I did a little Google searching but couldn't find anything on the Warroom engine. Anyone else know anything about it? I does look promising!

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Found some more info on WarRoom for Flanker. Ross McGregor replied on the Ubi forums and posted some info. Jump over and read it, it's a small insight as to what's to come. Here's the quote:

Sure, this is not top secret information.


Here is the introduction from the manual:


Su27 WarRoom is a dynamic campaign generator for SSI's Su27 Flanker flight simulator. WarRoom creates realistic air-war scenarios for single or multi-player game play. Each country owns industrial and military targets that will have to be protected from enemy airstrikes. These structures in return will provide the resources needed to fight the war.  


The campaign may be played in single player mode against a computer opponent, head-to-head in real-time (networking scenario), or via email. It is also possible to play with more than two people cooperatively or in a free-for-all fashion.


The campaigns are very configureable and allows new campaigns to be created with the Su27 Flanker mission editor.



Why did I create it? Well even back in the days of Flanker 1.0, the game really needed a dynamic campaign to add a little excitement.


Here are some factors that lead me to this achievement:


-I am a huge combat flight sim fan. I have been playing them since F15 Strike Eagle for the Commodore 64.


-I enjoy doing software projects as a hobby.


-I am a big multiplayer gaming fan of all genres. There's nothing like the thrill and challenge of playing real people.


-I also enjoy war games of a strategic/tactical nature.


-Large credit must go to the best flight ever produced, Di's Tornado. This sim was definitly an inspiration for my campaign work. This mission planning aspects of this sim were ground breaking. Tornado was my example of how a dynamic campaign should work and feel.


-Lastly I should credit Michael Barnes, Scott Morgan and Alan Bergen who had created a campaign system that existed solely on paper. These guys must have been real war gamer types. They managed to create a larger much more complex game out of Flanker (All gentleman rules of course). I was intrigued by this whole concept.  

Here's some links to the program as well as the manual:


Executable for WarRoom for Flanker 1.5:





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Oooh, the best news of all!

Sorry, I don't have time tonight to give you lots of details on the project.


I call it the Ares Battle Planner. That Ares as in God of War (or Xeena warrior princess:).


Because of time constraints, the first release will be very modest. We don't have much time to make this happen. But on a good note this system will be very open, and subject to extensive modification by end users. The Ares Battle Planner is more of a platform for campaign development than just a single campaign system.


Ross MacGregor

Sounds like it will be a very open an moddable system! :D

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