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Camera focal length

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Can the TW camera change focal length like it does in LockOn? From wideangle to tele. ( i am not refering ofcourse to simple zoom)

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  squid said:
Can the TW camera change focal length like it does in LockOn? From wideangle to tele. ( i am not refering ofcourse to simple zoom)



I may be wrong but I think when you are effectively changing the focal lenght, changing the FOV...

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  lxsapper said:
I may be wrong but I think when you are effectively changing the focal lenght, changing the FOV...



yeap, but how do we do that in TW sims?

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you neam by default or on the fly?

on the fly you can do it with the mouse buteons/wheel or a joystick axe.

But you can chage the view*something*.ini so you can set each view or view class to the FOV you want.

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  lxsapper said:
you neam by default or on the fly?

on the fly you can do it with the mouse buteons/wheel or a joystick axe.

But you can chage the view*something*.ini so you can set each view or view class to the FOV you want.



i mean on the fly. I cant find any key commands on the manual or the in-game map about controlling FOV, has only zoom in/out

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i think finally thats what the zoom function actually does, changes from "wideangle" to "tele" FOV and what i need probably is to add pan-in pan-out control, moving of the camera itself in other words towards or backwards the viewed object .... so are there pan in/out controls for the lets say F6 camera?

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ok, in external camera view (F6) has a preset FOV (45) and zoom in/out in this view is actually moving the camera position towards/backwards the plane.


While in the cockpit zooming means the opposite, the camera position is fixed while the FOV changes, from 15 to 90. These are angle degrees, where 90 is the widest "wideangle" lens view and 15 the narrowest "tele" lens field of view.


They are all controled by Viewlst.ini in flightdata.cat


Maybe through those inis its possible to set one more set of controls (commands/keys) to control both camera properties (FOV & distance from objects). Eg [-/+] would control the camera distance and Shift - [-/+] would control the camera FOV

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