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WOV+July06 weapons pack=F-4J/carrier launch crash when resupply happens

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As stated, my WOV worked flawlessly until the weapons pack resupply kicked in and I got all the new weapons for my F-4J. This is during Linebacker I, I think( the 1972 campaign). I can still launch and land from my A-7A with the new weapons, but the when the mssion starts in my F-4J, my jet explodes and the carrier sinks, sometimes it spawns on land too.

I have temp fixed this by starting in the air but then there is no carrier to land at when the mission is over-I have looked and looked, and swept with A-G radar, but its not there.


Has anyone else experienced this.


I apologize if this is an old topic, but I purchased the game ~7 months ago so I'm relativelly new to WOV.

I did a search and read the FAQ to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

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Sounds more like the carrier data.ini is broken. Broken weapons would dump you to the desktop.


So just to clarify: Do the A-7A and the F-4J start from the same carrier type?



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  Tannethal said:
Sounds more like the carrier data.ini is broken. Broken weapons would dump you to the desktop.


So just to clarify: Do the A-7A and the F-4J start from the same carrier type?




Thanks I'll check on the carrier data.ini. I'm so new at that game I didn't even realize there was more than one carrier in game.

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