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Snap forward in Mig17/19 cockpit problem?

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I installed the latest mig 17/19 cockpits and everytime I hit the snap forward view button, or go outside cockpit and then back inside by hitting F1, the default view is over my left shoulder.


Any way to fix?

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Well, I have both cockpits installed, and while I can't say anything about snap view, going outside either cockpit and hitting F1 always brings me back to my default, forward, interior view. Could there be something amiss with your joystick drivers?


I'm not using any device-specific mapping software with my stuff, btw, just the WoE device mapper.

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Well, I have both cockpits installed, and while I can't say anything about snap view, going outside either cockpit and hitting F1 always brings me back to my default, forward, interior view. Could there be something amiss with your joystick drivers?


I'm not using any device-specific mapping software with my stuff, btw, just the WoE device mapper.


Weird, it doesn't do it with any other cockpit. I am using ch software, but shouldn't affect just these 2 cockpits. Maybe I'll try reinstalling again.

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