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Lions for Lambs

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Fascinating movie about giving a damn and being involved, about half-assed, albiet passionate, leaders renaming old failures and killing the best and brightest...again. Very moving...

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Great movie!

I used to bunk classes at law school simply because I didnt have one teacher who could make me think. Or even think themselves.

That was my biggest dilemma as an aspiring lawyer. How do you decide what is the right thing to do, because the law essentially serves both sides? Yet it represents a form of constancy in the face of fluctuating variables.

Persuasion and interpretation are tools of the trade. That first decision is of ultimate importance.

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Is it that the first decision is, by instinct, likely the correct one? If so, that would likely only apply to someone who isnt inherently evil, or at least has a conscious, correct?


Yes, I liked the teacher too. His student Todd was reacting like a kid; ie; from the gut. He had a brain, a good one. He knew the politicians were wrong but he didnt, or wouldnt, do anything about it. Like so many of us today, he wouldnt use his gifts, he just quit. He'd rather enjoy the fruits his parents gave to him, be hedonistic while the world crumbled around him. The teacher wanted him to act, to DO something, get involved, gain experiance so his talk wouldnt be hollow, be a part of society that doesnt just use, but ultimately contributes and makes the world better. Yes, I too wish I had a teacher who cared enough to talk to me.


On a side note, I found it interesting that the teacher, as a vet who had fought in a war and lost buddies and recognized, from experiance, that war is inherently evil and had protested against the war when he came back from it, he still respected his other two students' decision to go to war because they wanted to be involved, to do something to make a difference. I also noticed that Todds' conscious was sure bothering him. He was at least thoughtful, but he still hadnt DONE anything.


The other two main characters, the politician and the reporter, also were interesting studies. This would be a great movie for political science or social studies.

Edited by pcpilot

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Our conscience is the essence of our humanity. Good and evil are relative terms. Bin Laden or for that matter any Mujhaideen would use the Koran to justify their craven acts, he would even be inclined to call it jihad, and he would believe by that act he would have reserved his place in paradise.( i remember reading the litany of the assasin as a teenager, and i thought the religion itself was evil; then I realized i was reading an interpretation)

"Both read the bible day and night,

But thou readst black where I read white"

William Blake(very loosely quoted).

Sometimes we delibrately choose to ignore our conscience. With time we condition our selves that way, by the deeds we do.

No man is born completely evil. He becomes that way.

Edited by Stick

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