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Need help from the modders

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Hi guys,


Still working on the X-29 at the moment and I have a small problem. This one's got me. I have never encountered it with any of the aircraft I have built.


As soon as the mission had finished loading and you're into the cockpit view, the aircraft is about 6 feet in the air and about 5-10 degrees nose up. From there it immediately falls back onto the runway, bounces around a bit and then all is fine.


I'm not sure why it starts in the air or with a nose up attitude. I have tried changing the ShockStroke entries for the landing gear which reduces the distance the aircraft drops from, but that doesn't fix the nose high attitude and creates other issues (wheels half in the runway and a shock stroke of 1 metre is far to big).


I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem before, or knows how to fix it.





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For the tail draggers the "OnGroundPitchAngle" makes a large difference to the intial runway attitude


don't know about trikes, but it maybe worth a look







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For the tail draggers the "OnGroundPitchAngle" makes a large difference to the intial runway attitude


don't know about trikes, but it maybe worth a look








Thanks for the reply. I had thought about that, but the pitch angle for the X-29 should be 0. I might give it a try anyway using OnGroundPitchAngle=0.0.

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