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WoV intercept quick mission ?

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Simple question: in WOV single mission creator has no intercept, no CAP, no Anty-ship mission. Can I tweak this or not?

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No. If you want those particular missions, your only option is to merge WoV with WoE, when given the option to (during the WoE installation process).

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Simple question: in WOV single mission creator has no intercept, no CAP, no Anty-ship mission. Can I tweak this or not?


1. I believe stock WOV has Mig-CAP missions, which are CAP.

2. If you have WOE, copy the singlemission.dll file from the menu folder. Rename the one in the WOV/Menu folder singlemission_orig.dll or something like that. Drop the one from WOE in the folder, and you will now have anti-ship missions. Also, the other mission choices will be renamed like in WOE (ie - MIG-CAP --> CAP, Iron-hand--->Air Defense Suppression...)



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