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Okay, I need your guys help on this one, because I have been bashing my head against the table for days.


I have the F-16 Blk 50, and I'm trying to transfer the cockpit and avionics from the F-16A_10, since it has a nicer HUD and Radar Display


I copy the A model cockpit and avionics file into the Blk 50 folder and rename, deleting the cockpit file and avionics file first, and jump into the game.


When I start up a mission, I get no hud, no radar, nuthin, but the cockpit shows up fine.


I've slogged through all the Config settings, and nothing that I can see that's obvious.


Any thoughts?

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Go to main *.ini file and change this line:




to this:




Everything will work fine. BTW I modded F-16C cockpit to use all that nice stuff, not a big deal either and looks waaay more correct :)

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I have question about old "C" model cockpit



Like You see Hsi doesn't working. How this can be fixed?

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