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Niemogę się w tych skrótach połapać :haha::haha::haha:


1. IIRC= If I Remember Correctly

2. NP= No Problem

3. IDK= I Don't Know

4. AFAIK= As Far As I know

5. TTYTT= To Tell You The Truth

6. STFU= Shut The F**k Up (isn't used very often)

7. IMO= In My Opinion

8. IMHO= In My Humble Opinion

9. IMUHO= In My Un Humble Opinion

10. CRS= Can't Remember S**t

11. SNAFU= Situation Normal All F***ed Up

12. FUBAR= F**ked Up Beyond All Recognition

13. LOL= Laugh Out Loud

14. LMAO= Laugh My Ass Off

15. LMFAO= Laugh My F**king Ass Off

16. ROTF= Rolling On The Floor

17. ROTFLMAO= Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

18. ROTFLMFAO=Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F**king Ass Off

19. WTF= What The F**k

20. BTW= By The Way

21. OT= Off Topic

22. RTFM= Read The F**ing Manual

23. OMG= Oh My God

24. OMGWTF= Oh My God What The F**k

25. TTYL= Talk To You Later

26. AFK= Away From Keyboard

27. ITBL= In Before The Lock

28. IATL = In After The Lock

29. IBTB = In Before The Ban

30. CTD= Crash To Desktop

31. BRB= Be Right Back

32. PWWW= Please Write Whole Words

33. TLA= Three Letter Acronym

34. TARFU= Things Are Really F**ed Up

35. LMFFAO= Laughing My Fat F**ing Ass Off

36. ROFLIA= Rolling On Floor Legs In Air

37. ROFLIALMFFAO= Rolling On Floor Legs In Air Laughing My Fat F**ing Ass Off

38. ICOE= In Case Of Emergency

39. RTB= Return To Base

40. C6= Check Six

41. INC= INComing

42. 911= help (ok, ok so it ain't really an acronym but who cares! ;))

43. NM= Never Mind

44. TY= Thank You

45. CTF= Crash To Fridge

46. JAFO= Just Another Freakin' Observer

47. ROFLOL= Rolling On Floor Laughing Out Loud

48. NTWITA= Now That's What I'm Talking About

49. BBB= Be Back in a Bit

50. IYO= In Your Opinion

51. IOU= I Owe You

52. WTH= What The Hell

53. AKA= Also Known As

54. TMI= Too Much Information


He miłego czytania :rofl::rofl:

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Ehh Ci Amerykanie na wszystko muszą mieć skrót, dodałbym

55. FBI

56. CIA

57. NASA

58. ABW... o przepraszam to już nasze :ph34r:


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65: KFC :rofl:


A tak w ogóle to wydali nowe SOP w sprawie TOA :haha:

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