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Hi all. Does anyone have any skins to match the F-4's Euro skins? I've spent the past couple of hours configuring all my USAF F-4 models on all the platforms into separate categories in the Ojects/Aircraft folder, making all the separate skins into separate folders, for example: F-4D_Euro, F-4C_Tan, F-4E_Grey, etc. I've decided for the time being to use the tan and green wing tank skins for all the Euro skins but it doesn't look the same (I'm a bit of a stickler for detail).

I didn't think it would take too long but realised that I's have to make the same changes to all the platforms and all the campaigns within the platforms. It also gives me a chance to assign certain coloured tanks to cetain skins without affecting other skins. Now I don't have to worry about moder grey skinned USAF F-4s with SEA coloured tanks. When you look at it this way it's worth the effort, believe me.

I just thought it'd be nice to have a little conformity within the skins so I'd appreciate any help.


Thanks in advance :good:

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