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Ki-61 Tony, 105 Sentai Skin & Ini Pak

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File Name: Ki-61 Tony, 105 Sentai Skin & Ini Pak

File Submitter: Wrench

File Submitted: 14 Aug 2008

File Category: Japanese Air Force and Navy


Kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony", Skin and Ini Pak, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs 8/11/08


This package contains a cockpit ini modification and a reskin of the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 "Tony" .


You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony, and it's suggested also Christian59's "Tony Family Package" before installing this mod, as without it, this does you no good!! Right now, it's set for use on Christian's Ki-61-Im (Mauser Cannon Equiped) Tony, but can be used on any of his new versions, as they all share the same LOD. A simple edit of the decals ini is all that it will take. Having the Hurricane 1 would be a good idea too, as the new cockpit ini will need it!


The skin is based off the original IJAAF Natural Metal and Camos, and was built from a new template created off the original skins. All new panel, rivet lines, and other details were drawn by me, but still based off Gramps' original. The tail Chutai marking is a decal. Decals for all 3 Chutai's are included, so you can create 3 seperate skin folders for 105 Sentai, and have the full group. See "To Create the Full Sentai" in the Install Instructions below.


It represents aircraft of 105 Sentai, 1 Chutai, mid 1945 timeframe, as seen over the Home Islands. This aircraft is finished in overall Medium Green, with Natural Metal undersides. The 'white bandage' Home Defense surrounds on the upper wing and fuselage Hinomarus were not shown in any of my profiles, so I didn't do them.. This template is also available, upon request, for other skinners to use. See "Notes & Comments" for more info.


A new cockpit ini is supplied, based of Kesselbrut's Hurricane Mk.1, with adjusted pilot postioning, and recalibrated to use the Metric Unit system. While not perfect; the instrument layout is far to Western (and still in English), it's a workable substitute. (this is just in case you didn't get it with the 19 Sentai Tony Skin Pak). BTW, if someone wants to translate the gauge readout/labels into Japanese, I'm sure a number of people would be quite pleased! (me included!)


Also included is a new sound file (wav) for the engine. It's from RussoUK's BF-109E; as both aircraft used the Daimler DB-601, this is also, just in case you didn't get it with the other Tony Skin Pak :) It's called "CYA" where I come from!!!


Historical accuracy is NOT 100% claimed, as I couldn't find out if 105 Sentai -actually- flew the MG-151 equipped versions.


-= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =-

--= NOTE: You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony to install this pakage into (duh!!) and =--

---= You'll need the DAT's Hurricane 1 for it's cockpit; the mods are based off that one =---

----=You Should also have christian59's Ki-61 Tony Family Package to install this too =----

- This mod has ONLY been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "an extreamly odd way".-


It is HIGHLY suggested that you read the enclosed readme COMPLETLY THROUGH before installing this pak; this will help you in making some of the changes I suggest.


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein


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this sentai was organised in taichu(taiwan) le 25 july 1944 for defence of the island

he was equiped only with Hien fighter during is life


he was transfered to Okinawa in spring of 1945 and after the battle return to taiwan (Giran and Ishigaki air base) for use in special attack sentai 5Kamikaze)


it's normal that this sentai don't have The 'white bandage' Home Defense surrounds on the upper wing and fuselage Hinomarus




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Thank you!!! I try to make them as close to historical as possible, that added extra info is well taken.


Interesting to note, I"ve got profiles of Tonys and other IJAAF aircraft, that even though they were tasked with Home Defense, didn't carry the White Bandage marking. It does, however, make it easier for me to skin WITHOUT them!!! :rofl:

Ok, it's true -- I'm lazy!!! :wink:



kevin stein

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