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Airfields. How make them?

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Hallo pilots :biggrin:


There was question in Czech forum here on CA about making airfields. But I have no knowledge about this.



In general, most of airfields in ex Czechoslovakia were just with one runway (and we have them in WOE too with needed runway of course). So We need extend targets on the airfields - hagars, AAA, fuel tanks, fuel cars, buildings etc. Of course idea is get airfield look close to real airfield look.


I need add buildings, AAA, etc into target ini --- GERMANYCE_TARGETS.ini


I need find for example Pardubice airbase in GERMANYCE_TARGETS.ini OK, no problem. I want add AAA for example. How I know position where I can place it? Need terrain editor? Or need just mission editor to find needed location?


Just for imagination. This is Pardubice airbase: HERE!



And another thing. What I need if I want add new airfierld?


Can you help please? :dntknw:

Edited by kukulino

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Kuk, download my "shipwreck" terrain object. There's a little illustrated tutorial in how to place ground objects. (Pfunk and I have been discussing this in the "Mission and Campaigns Forum below"). While geared towards placing the shipwreck, the procedures are the same.


Basically, it involves extracting the HUDData.ini from the one of the Fllight Cats, and setting the ]Debug[ section to TRUE. I use this in ALL my HUDData.ini; makes it easy to switch back and forth:






This way, I just comment or uncomment the needed line


Then locate the offset where you want the item to go, then adding it to the targets ini (in this case, it sounds like you'll want the GermanyCE_targets.ini). You add the lines at the end (unless changing out an existing object - like switching out the water tower for a Flag)


For something generic, you'll add something like this, were *** in the next number in sequence






You can even specificy a certain TYPE of weapon, 'AAA' will just use whatever the game engine wants. If you wanted a ZSU there, just enter "ZSU-23" into the Type= section. Remember, whatever you want placed, other than generic AAA, has to have an entry in the ***_types ini. I know for a fact, NEITHER the ZSU-57 or 23 is listed, so you'd need to add them to the GermanyCE_Types.ini

That entry would look like this, where *** is the next number in sequence:




FullName=ZSU-23-4 Shilka AAA















I always use 100 for % of Secondary, as it makes for nice burning smoke clouds over the target area.


To add an complete airfield itself, you need the main coordinates, located via the Debugged display, the complete WoE_cities.ini (as you'll need to add the new airfield to it), the HFD and TFD files (might be in the GermanyCE.cat), the Terrain Editor, and do the flattinging airfiled bit. It can get a little involved.


Let me know if you need more help



kevin stein

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Thank you very much Wrench :fans:



It is much clear for me than before. I will point guys on your reply. Looks like it is not hard add objects into existing airfield. If we will have troubles, we will ask here :yes:

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