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Into my final holiday week and now I have some extra time to work on the target and terrain files of WOE. The first step consisted of downloading several groundunit addons from here.


After a bit of tweaking, experimenting and flying around I made some initial discoveries, which you can all read at my blog.


If you want to read my AAR based on the first tests, check it out at SimHQ.


Many thanks to the Mirage Factory for providing their RF-4C, its a rugged beast to recon those SAM batteries. :salute:



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Hallo KingAlbert :yes:



I have this suggestion. I know that WP forces are not flyable in you camapign. But as I can see, you want use important soviet SAMs.


What about strong SAM base...

There was big SAM base named Klondajk in Czechoslovakia placed near to Prague. There were S-200 Vega (SA-5 Gammon), S-75 Volchov (SA-2) a S-175 Neva (SA-3 Goa) placed. SA-5 was made by Fast Cargo. Others you have.



I do not know if there were similar SAM bases in another WP states.



Hope that sometimes in the future we will make this big SAM base for Czechoslovak campaign. Donno if modder is needed to make it or just SAM pozitions we can add :dntknw:



Just for imagination: http://www.brdy.org/content/view/107/30/

Edited by kukulino

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