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Lo:mac Competition

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I normally do not spam like this, but I feel it is pretty important.


The Combat Zone (www.thecombatzone.com) has started the process of getting a LO:MAC Ladder started.


The rules are just now beginning to get formulated.


There are currently 4 or 5 squads signed up and the 52nd VFW is one of them.


It is good to get in at the beginning, as the more squads there can work towards making the rules better for everyone, instead of a select few people making them for everyone.


If your squads are interested in holding competitions, please go there and get signed up.


I am still a little skeptical on how well this is going to work out. If more squads do not show up, then it is going to flop. But, if enough people turn out, I think we can put a good ladder together.


Also: IF enough people show up, there will be prizes for the winners!! :P

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That is correct charlie we are sponsored by Redbull,Nvidea and xdrive. we just held an RVS tournament and gave out some Gfx cards to the winning team along with a case of red bull for each player and some t-shirts, a free server for a month and free webhosting for a month from TCZ.


second place got red bull, t-shirts, half price server and hald price webhosting.



Third got t-shirts and discounted server and webhosting.


so as charlie says get over there and help make the ladder work as well as the rules.



P.S we are also trying to get a ladder going for Forgotten battles too if you play that too.




TCZ Admin Team

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