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Cockpit Toggle

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Yep. Thats the problem. I have shadows set to LOW. Changing to Medium causes the airframe parts to show. Never tried it with shadows "on", or higher than low since the Apr. patch, because shadows really eat framerates on my machine. Good catch, Peter. :good:


Silverbolt et al,


I saw a similar post on the Thirdwire forum; lowered Shadows to 'Low' and that solved it.


Re the cockpit on/off debate - my 2 cents: having flown in biplanes (Stearman) and sat in both WWI and WWII fighters, unless you have a really large monitor that gives you a 1:1 perspective - I, personally don't feel that one is 'cheating' when not using the cockpit.


When I fly FE I use the cockpit toggle to orient myself to the target and turn it back on when I merge.


To each his own...




J. Kelly



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