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I asked this question once before but never got a clear answer. Whats the trick to using the search engine on this site, or does it just not like me?

I searched for UBERAI and it gave me 478 pages, none of them containing the word "UBERAI"


And before you ask, yes I searched the downloads section, not the forums,



Well, I was going to delete this post after using google search and finding it in less than one second, but I decided not to since Id really like to know the trick.

Edited by gwar

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First off, what sim are you attempting to use it on? I would not even think of using it in WoI, as new AI parameters have been added to that title, and the AI is finally using the default data the way it should (in other words, the AI is finally starting to believe that its acronym stands for "Artificial Intelligence, as opposed to "Artificial Idiot").


If you can wait a few weeks, the upcoming patches for SF, WoV, and WoE should bring those titles up to parity with WoI.


Anyway, here it is, usable up to the August 2006 patch in SF, WoV, and WoE: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2673

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uhm, thx, fubar, but that didnt answer my question. I found the file by using google search, but the search function in CA downloads gives me pages and pages of nonsense. And thats using the same parameters,

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This is the result I got:




One page, about 20 entries.


However, I limited my search to the TW section, and used specific case sensitive options. I would suggest always using the advanced options when using the Search function. Also, don't bother trying to search by alpha numeric (ie F-16, etc)...that doesn't work. Appears to be something specific to the type of software the board uses.



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Most of the time I use google for these type of searches, if you enter "uberai site:combatace.com" minus the ", you should find it.

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