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WoI WW2 & Generic Style Screen Set

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WoI WW2 & Generic Style Screen Set

Screen Set for WoI: Plane Jane Screens for Generic Usage:


This is a rather generic set of screens for WoI. They are designed for use in a WW2 type of install, but can be use for any other Version of Wing Over Isreal. Excpeting maybe the main screen and loadinscreen1. :wink: Those are WW2 flavored.


Included in this package are the following screens:










They've had the IDF backgrounds removed, and use various cloudy sky backgrounds, excepting for the Mainscreen and LoadingScreen1. The Loadinscreen1 uses various and sundry WW2 theatre maps and will be seen where aircraft have no specific Loading Screen called out in their inis. The Mainscreen is a Mercator projection world globe over a Hubble telescope deep space picture.


These are just a quick and diry fix for those experimentating with WW2 installs, or for those that want a more generic type screen. They are totally based off the stock originals, so need no ini adjustments. All the 'hot spots' for the buttons remain in their usual positions.


Relatively simple, easy to follow instructions are in the enclosed readme...so, give it a read!


Have Fun!!!


kevin stein


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