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lindr K-9 and R-4 --- slipped under our radar

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It took a few days, but I found something hiding in lindr's stuff. Czech it out...


(1) My mutant mold of Insky's J-8 into MiG Ye-152A, now with lindr's K-9 missiles.






(2) My mutant mold of Insky's J-8 into MiG Ye-152M, now with lindr's R-4 missiles...I have both IR and SARH as first look but the real thing used SARH only. The wingtip launch could never be made to work well, and the designers were going to go back to normal underwing mounting, but the program was cancelled in favour of expected MiG-25.



Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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, but the program was cancelled in favour of expected MiG-25.


E-152 is Mig-25/2 = MiG-12.5 (russian humor), e-152 was used like test planes on the way to MIG-25. Mig-25 radar is advanced E-152M radar, mig-25 engines is E-152 engine. E-152M needed part in Mig-25 creation program.


Good work!

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Right. MiG-12.5, half the engines, half the missiles, half the radar.



What exactly happened to K-9?

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It works out well. Nice big single rear engine made from -17PF radar noses (by Madcattie?), and now R-4 missiles. I use Mirage Factory's MiG-21PF cockpit.



Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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Too bad about the wingtip rails. Its looks sharp.


On the other hand, firing one missile causes a "problem" -- you get so unbalanced with one missile, and these are heavy rockets. I've read one Yak-28 crew tested high mach stability with only one R-8, and at some point during acceleration to higher air speeds, the Yak disintegrated, killing the crew.



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Too bad about the wingtip rails. Its looks sharp.


On the other hand, firing one missile causes a "problem" -- you get so unbalanced with one missile, and these are heavy rockets. I've read one Yak-28 crew tested high mach stability with only one R-8, and at some point during acceleration to higher air speeds, the Yak disintegrated, killing the crew.

Maybe I'm wrong, but at that time they usually fire a couple of missiles to a single target to increase the probability of a hit.

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Wow, YOU just made me think of something.


Classical air defense practice worldwide was lob IR followed by SARH about a second or two later. -152M had SARH only, so maybe the idea was to fire both missiles at the same time -- same guidance same lockon etc... So it would work here. I had been thinking of the ripple fire, not simultaneous fire. Thanks for that push!


Say one missile hangs up or something. :dntknw:

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I've done some research and I've found this video of the Tu-128.




You can see that the IR R-4 missiles are mounted inboard and tha SAR R-4 outboard. Then it show the Tu-128 ripple fire the inboar couple of missile to a target (2 IR R-4). So it will be the same for the SAR ones. :rolleyes:

Just a question..... In the final sequence of the video it show 2 missiles but with 4 nozzles. Are these R-4 missiles?

Edited by Spillone104

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I don't know what those are. Could be 4 wingtip tracers. R-4 seems to have had two tracers on the rear fuselage, and only one (1) large rocket nozzle at the rear. The film makers might have used other footage here. I know the K-5 series had 4 tracers -- one on each wingtip. That may have been used for this video, or something else. Not sure about this. The flickering during launch is strange. What is that? Very nice video however, thanks!


If I recall, the missiles could be fired any way desired, all IR included. Standard practice was one IR followed by one SARH. If the target needed destroying, and no radar lock was possible, then its IR only. This would be a good example.

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