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I maked Matra R-511 missile, if you want have experimental R-510 with IR guidance (TV in REAL LIFE), just ask...

also i maked ini text for AA-20 & AA-25 missiles (used AS-20 LOD, because AA-20 & AS-20 is two variant of one missile, & i don't have AA-25 drawings)




Mirage IIIC with 1 R-511 & 2 AA-20




R-511 fly to target, can recognize plane? i thinks no, it's Kh-20M converted to AI plane, he not not work 100% well, & i fully forget about it in some time, but today i launched qiuck mission to test R-511, and what i seen? Kh-20M - computer choise it for me...



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Wow, nice job, very interesting expriment.


In the old Su-27 FLAKER 1.0 from 1995, you could target air-surface missiles with either guns or your AAMs. However, the AI planes could not do this. Still that was alot of fun. I used to setup a formation of Tu-95's all launching multiple Kh-55s, and taking all these missiles out with R-73s and cannon was alot of fun.


Most interesting experiment of all >> I setup a low flying Tu-22M (non flyable) to fire a Kh-15 at a ground target far away. The Kh-15 fired off into the sky, higher and faster. I had an enemy Slava cruiser nearby, just in front of the Tu-22, and the ship engaged the Kh-15 flying away from it. The Slava fired an S-300 and the SAM caught and destroyed the Kh-15. I thought that was amazing. But the developers never fully explored this, so missile vs missile combat was not overall practical.

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Is it possible to see in future the family of Tupolev recon drone like Tu-123 Yastreb 1/2, Tu-141, Tu-143/243 or 300.

It would be interesting see them as AI planes like your Kh-20.







Edited by Spillone104

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Nice vids, thanks. Especially the first. Real sci-fi like. That's what I like about that era.

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