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Mission building and skins

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When creating a mission for a flight of AI aircraft is there any way to utilize different skins for the same flight? :dntknw:

Example: A flight of 4 Dr1's say Jasta 11, can I make the #1 plane MvR?

I know I can throw his plane in anywhere or even keep it close to Jasta 11 waypoints, but it wont be a part of the same flight.

Can I type it in somewhere in the mission folder w notepad (thats what I use to edit)or do I have to create a different flight like I have been doing???? :flyer:

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:dntknw: Anyone?.........Anyone?.......... :dntknw: Edited by quack74

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I'm not being funny, but I've gotta admit, I was reluctant to reply 'cause I found your description a little vague. Especially that third line...But anyway, I'll have a go.


First off, Are you using the KMD mission builder? If not, you should be. If so, then (as far as I'm aware), the only way to create a flight of AI planes with different skins is to do the following:


Start off with just one plane, lets say a Dr.I, and place it where you want your AI flight on the map.


You then set the altitude, and make as many waypoints as you require (I rarely use more than six), and adjust all other parameters pertaining to the AI flight.


Once you're satisfied with everything regarding that one single Dr.I, you then create as many clones of that aircraft as you want. by RIGHT clicking on the first AI Dr.I on the list, and selecting 'Clone this aircraft'.


You now have however many AI Dr.I's all with the same waypoints, altitudes etc, acting as a unit.


You can then change the skin of each individual clone.


Hope this helps.



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I didnt want to get into too much detail. Sorry. :blush: Thought it would take too long. But anyway thanks that makes perfect sense. :clapping:

But wouldnt they all be flying ontop of each other with same alt, speed, and waypoints? :dntknw:

Anyway thanks Bucky, I'll try it tonight. I've made many skins, but could never use them in AI flights. Hope this works. Will be very cool.

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Well that sounds interesting. Is there a reason you are waiting to post your skins? It's getting lonely out here. :biggrin:




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But wouldnt they all be flying ontop of each other with same alt, speed, and waypoints? :dntknw:




Yeah, they will "spawn" all joined up or on top of each other, but they'll sort themselves out within a few seconds, then fly in quite loose formation.


One thing to look out for:...occasionally, you'll get a rogue AI plane (or two) that won't conform, and fly off in a different direction, with no intention of attacking the player's plane. You can try deleting that aircraft, then have another go at "re-cloning". But when that happens, I've often found that the only way to get ALL the AI a/c to do what you want is to start all over again....It can drive you up the wall sometimes! :shout:





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Yeah, I've tried it and it does work ( sometimes ) Thks for the tips. But man it takes too much time to create these missions. First you have to make them, then run the game and see if they actually work. :stars: Sometime they do and sometimes they dont. Of course its cool when they do. But why was a mission builder include in the game, like IL-2? Creating your own missions is the best part of that game. Its so easy. I think they really need to make these new games more user friendly if they want more people to get involved. Adding skins is a bitch with manually changing code w/ note pad.

I mean who really wants or can do that. :suicide:

FE is a cool game regardless, I hope they keep making it better. They also need to stop messing up flight models with every new patch! It made half my planes useless fo awhile. thats not really progress is it? :dntknw:

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What do you mean; "Manually changing code (skins) with notepad"? You don't have to do that...You change the skins using the KMD interface.


True, the KMD has a bit of a steep learning curve, and can be a bit awkward to use, but once you get to grips with its idiosyncrasies, you can knock out missions in no time.


All the best



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Sorry , I meant before I knew about KMD. It was a pain in the neck. Even KMD can be a pain sometimes. Waypoints magically change on me and fuel and ammo go to zero when I try the mission. Just a little too imperfect. With KMD though, you cant see the terrain for object placement. Hard to set up stationary aircraft and objects. Im just bichn' a bit I guess. IL-2 has been around for a long time. Its just more user friendly. Thats what I think FE needs. Doesnt seem like they're working on that. You have to find things in forums to make the game work right. Like KMD. What?! I just want to play the game I paid $60 bucks for. Not search forums. So many awsome planes, but dont work after patching the game. What?! Ive made a couple of missions w KMD that made my PC crash when I clicked on Fly. I,ve spent hours figuring things out and downloading and reading forums. Sometimes its just not that fun, interesting but not fun. I feel like I,m working for Thirdwire :biggrin: . I'm addicted to the game now so I'll keep doing this stuff :wacko:

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Yeah, keep at it man...It gets easier!


As Sinbad said back there: Are you gonna upload any of those skins you've made?

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For now I made only Dr1 skins- Kempf, Vallendor, early Weiss, Richthofens 152/17, Jacobs, and Baumer.

I get them up by this weekend I hope, if I have some time. Have an 8week old girl in house now :yahoo:

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I made Richthofens 425/17 I think this one was all red, or it was 477/17. what ever, it looks good :good:

All have weathering and smoke stains. Im sure in person these planes looked pretty beat up after a couple of missions. :black eye:

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Congratulations and welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood! :rolleyes:


Excellent schemes...Looking forward to seeing 'em!

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For now I made only Dr1 skins- Kempf, Vallendor, early Weiss, Richthofens 152/17, Jacobs, and Baumer.

I get them up by this weekend I hope, if I have some time. Have an 8week old girl in house now :yahoo:





I look forward to DL them.



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