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Sept 2008 Patch Weapons Issue and Findings Thread

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...and how should one move them. There's no special key to do so and moving the entire aircraft to keep the bomb locked onto the target until impact would not sound ridiculous, it's also not making sense since you need to a TV display for that, which you actually shouldn't need to drop LGBs on the primary target.


Bottom line is...I'm confused about how this is supposed to work now. The previous guidance method (btw, how did it work in WOI before the Aug 2008 patch?) was fine and well in tune with the 'sim lite' approach, but now it's almost useless. :dntknw:


(Don't read this as an "OMGWFTBBQ! Teh game'S broken!!!!111!!" rant, though. I just want input from those that might know more about it.)


I noticed this issue a few days a go and during some testing with the MF A-7E in WoE against a rail bridge. I found out that I had to give the Walleye and even the LGB's some time to "lock-on". You will need to fly something close to a straight and level flight profile and watch the crosshairs. After they finish pulsing and the center square becomes as small as possible around your target (as in the case of the Maverick and the Walleye) or as soon as the Pave Spike crosshairs comes across target and steadys up then you will need to release the weapon. I also believe that TK cut the max range one can launch some of the guided air to ground weapons to be more realistic. In that unless you had immediate line of sight of both the weapon and the target the weapon would immediately go dumb and just drop like rock. That almost makes me believe that it is time to start testing and modding to see if we can create datalink pods like what is used for the AGM-130, AGM-62, AGM-84E and some of the other long range glide bombs.

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