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In the heads up displays on aircraft in WOE, both stock and add-ons, the pipper moves around as the g-forces build as on a real aircraft i've noticed ever since I installed the patch from 9-08. I know this makes it more realistic but I liked it the way it was in one spot in the center of the hud no matter how many g-forces you pull. Is this fixable, or is it permanent with the new patch.


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Just make sure you have your guns in Air to Ground mode and they won't move. You are talking about AA Gun Mode, when it has lead computing

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There's also an new keystroke added "Next Gunsight Mode" since the new patch

Check you Options --> Controls it should be mapped to the ' single quote key. That should switch you out of Lead-Computing into Caged mode. Dependin, of course, that the cockpit ini has CAGED specified



kevin stein

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The Next/Prev gunsight mode keystrokes are as old as SFP1 ... :ph34r:


Re: Pipper Problem ..




change "LeadComputing=TRUE" to FALSE in the aircrafts cockpit data ini , [GunsightFront] section

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