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Fiddling with some terrains...


I don't play FE (hardly at all, anyway), but thought you folks might like this info.



kevin stein

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OK- Geheimwerks kaput!


I have been working on a mod I call the First Battle of Britain ("FBoB"). That mod, which is far from ready for prime time, uses the WOE terrain set first released by Gepard for the Battle of Britain, and the campaign of the same name, by Baltika (thanks to both for allowing me to tinker with their work).


There are a vast number of things that need to be done, and the more i do the more I find needs to be done (I am more than willing to hear from volunteers). I have no prior experience with terrain or campaign mods - hence I have kept the FBoB under wraps as I fumble and mutter over the screen. Some of the biggest bits involve the fact that much of the FBoB (especially the Zepp raids) were at night. Hence we need many things that FE does not now have - most notably searchlights. Nevertheless, a lot has been done.


In addition to the terrain and basic campaigns, we already have:


two Zeppelins (special thanks to P10ppy for a really fine L30 and Hinchinbrooke for the OK to mod his generic Zepp);

heavily modded and flyable Staakens and Gothas, with authentic loadouts (special thanks to Capun for help with those) and bomb sights for both of the big bombers (thanks to Dfang);

new FMs for the Gotha and Staaken by Peter01, who took time to help despite the heavy workload of his own projects.


I have rebuilt all the German, British and French airbases to WWI specs, modded the AAA, and nearly rebuilt the harbor at Dunkerque. The German WWII bases in south and western France are now converted or removed, etc, etc, etc.


Meanwhile, Wrench is right, the door to new terrain for FE is open. If anyone wants to create terrain for the Italian front, we already have an extensive collection of skins, and I'll do more. I think that terrain would really be a lot of fun!


As a (premature or belated) WIP report, here are some screen shots of the First Battle of Britain-


I'll post more when there is more to see.















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Of course, I didn't mean to steal any thunder, as it were.


However, it just shows that great minds think alike :biggrin:


In regards to a Middle East (palestine, syria, trans-jordan, egypt etc), may I suggest Gepards's Isreal2 map. It would probably require the least amount of work. Well, other than 'combining' sides (egypt/palestine) and other fiddelations to the front lines and etc :wink:


One of the reasons I kinda left FE, was no expansion maps, other than the stock ones and 'test' and Vogesen.

May have to reconsider my descision....



kevin stein

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