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Terrain Question

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I installed a fresh copy of WOE with the new patch. I then added Major Lees excellent

DBS Terrain to the Terrain folder. I then modified the DBS Data file to get all the fx

features for water,ground etc textures. Everything looks good and runs OK. The only

problem I have is there is no random planes parked on the airfields. If I switch back to

the GermanyCE Terrain everything works fine. Is there some file I am missing to modify to

enable this feature?

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DBS has it's own airfield.ini's, you can find entries in new germanyCE.ini's for parked planes and simply copy-paste them to DBS_airifled.ini's

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DBS has it's own airfield.ini's, you can find entries in new germanyCE.ini's for parked planes and simply copy-paste them to DBS_airifled.ini's


Will they work or planes will b eparked al over the place?

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Yes, they will


You can even do that in SF/SFG. Extract all the Desert_airfiled*.inis, drop them into the desert terrain folder. You'll see parked aircraft.


Can't remember who found this...but they should get a mention!



kevin stein

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Thanks guys planes now appear!!!

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For those that like physical evidence like I do (it's the technician in me...) Here ya go. WoI, desert terrain, newly extracted airfiled inis:






I think this is QUITE cool, as it means in ONLY controled via an ini, and NOT one of the myriad dlls.



kevin stein

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Yes, they will


You can even do that in SF/SFG. Extract all the Desert_airfiled*.inis, drop them into the desert terrain folder. You'll see parked aircraft.


Can't remember who found this...but they should get a mention!



kevin stein


Wrench I was the one that found this, (I even got dave's blessing!).Give me more credit,, :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: , I know it will work cutting and pasting the parking position, my point was aren't DBS airfield defintions data different so that when I cut an paste new parking position they will be all ovet the places.?

Edited by Canadair

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What, you think someone didn't figure this out long before you did? :biggrin:






Check the dates...balloons weren't the only thing I was messing around with when WOI first came out...



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What, you think someone didn't figure this out long before you did? :biggrin:




Check the dates...balloons weren't the only thing I was messing around with when WOI first came out...




hey FC it is not a race or a competition. Good that you noticed before. On the other hand what i was talking about was spotting the desert_airfields.inis with parking positions that are hidden in germanyCe.cat. As you said somewhere else, when merged in ( or extracted) they make for perfect SFP1 of SFG retro-compatitibility. I moved my whole install of sfp1 into woe and desert terrains and objects work perfectly. If I only could fix that "darkening of the tiles" that I posted elsewhere. so did not mean to take any credit away from you, not in the least. We were talking about two different things at all

Edited by Canadair

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as to updating the DBS airfields, they're numbered the same as the stock desert ones, the only real diference is the snowy borders.


2 ways to do this:


copy/paste the relevant parking entries into the DBS_airfield**.inis, they'd be inserted between the TaxiTail and DRM sets


extract the airfield ini, and rename them to match to DBS conventions. Backing up the originals by rename zDBS_airfield**.ini, of course.


ie: desert_airfiled1.ini becomes DBS_airfiled1.ini


either way, you'd still need to extract to get the parking positions. For all 6 deset arifields.


BTW, people, this DOES work for the airfields on the WW2 maps, excepting you'll have to remove the parking locations (at airfield3) that are in the berm shelters, or you get aircraft trying to mate. Kinky to watch, but odd to see..... :rofl:


If you want lights on runway3, there's a crappy version of that in the Israel2 release from yesturday. Not perfect, but illuminated to degree....



kevin stein

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as to updating the DBS airfields, they're numbered the same as the stock desert ones, the only real diference is the snowy borders.


2 ways to do this:


copy/paste the relevant parking entries into the DBS_airfield**.inis, they'd be inserted between the TaxiTail and DRM sets


extract the airfield ini, and rename them to match to DBS conventions. Backing up the originals by rename zDBS_airfield**.ini, of course.


ie: desert_airfiled1.ini becomes DBS_airfiled1.ini


either way, you'd still need to extract to get the parking positions. For all 6 deset arifields.


BTW, people, this DOES work for the airfields on the WW2 maps, excepting you'll have to remove the parking locations (at airfield3) that are in the berm shelters, or you get aircraft trying to mate. Kinky to watch, but odd to see..... :rofl:


If you want lights on runway3, there's a crappy version of that in the Israel2 release from yesturday. Not perfect, but illuminated to degree....



kevin stein


Tried the DBS method. the system obviously work, but some of the parking positions should be revised. Parking postions are meant fore revetments and not hangar shelter. Some parking position happen to "into" walls..not big but not perfect.

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Trust me, if I wasn't being lighthearted about it, you'd know. I had moved my stuff over to WOI a while ago before all the latest patches just so I could take advantage of the new stuff that's out there. In fact, I've got something going on with the GermanyCE terrain that I think y'all will like (it's actually 95% other folks work, I'm just fusing it together). I just need a few more people (cough)(cough)column5(cough)(cough) to take a look at it before I release a public beta.



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I just need a few more people (cough)(cough)column5(cough)(cough) to take a look at it before I release a public beta.



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The issue, at what mostly seems to be the Soviet base in DBS, is the use of 'parked statics' -- those Beagles need removing. Besides, they're half sunk into the ashpalt.... As to those with the 'inside the shelter wall' issue, that's easily resolved by replacing the ENTIRE airfield entry with a stock one, then res-setting the runway heading, if needed. Done this hundreds of times ... on lots of maps.


The only problem would be the aircraft an now exposed to the elements...expecially when those stupid Commies leave the windows open (ok that glass bubble thingy where the pilot sits... :haha: )


One could easily plot those positions and replace the Pit8/16 with the shelters, based on the parking positions in the various airfield data inis. It'd be a "job of work", as the man says, but quite fixable/doable.


I can have updated airfield layouts in, literaly, a couple of hours. There's really nothing to it! Putting the shelters in, well, that could take a few days. It all depends on how you want the Arctic represented....


Have to figure out the wingspan on the BUFFs...havn't seen one of them parked anywhere....would it be a simple matter to add "VeryLargeParking" slots, wingspan=50 ????? Hmmmmm.....


The Targets Guru is on the case!



kevin stein

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