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BltdAn, aR yUo thE 1 TahT 1nc WeNT bY naMe DEECetfull DAn, aT SiM-of-HQ??? IF tiHS TRUe, wE ALL kNO TaHT thIS si teH worK Of Yu DisTuRBBeD MINd. I SENd NForCERS froM LATviaN Mafi, er, LatVIAN PC FActOry to DeAL wiTH yoU deeCETFull selF.



Dude, the typing you do is as terrible as "shouting"! Can you please

try to make normally composed sentences? It annoys the hell out

of me!





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Dude, the typing you do is as terrible as "shouting"! Can you please

try to make normally composed sentences? It annoys the hell out

of me!






i Go 2 lATviAn sKool IntERNet eTTICutt iNstiTUE to LerN ProPAr meThodOLogY communICATe wIt PeePLEs arONd worLD. Dis iS WaY WE tauGHT by GreaT iNTERneT PIOneeR aN TeacHER, BInaRY OvaRPOSt. hE is Da BOMb!!!!111! he Dibe v.faST and v.CooL CArs, an weaRS da PRopaR BLInG. MaNY SucH WonnerFULl ThiNGs we LERneD froM diS MASTer of EttICUtt!! WhILe I haBE yuO attention< PERHaPS i InterEST yuO in new, v.FAsT PC? LATviaN WhERE HaNGER 18, de BeSTesT FasTIst PC on dA PlaNEt EArth!!!! I saLE yUO V.CHEEp! OrDER NOw, and RECIbe FReE LATVIan MafiA SPyWeaR HITMAn packEGe! sI Da BEST SPyWARE PAckAGe! YuO waNT PlaCE OdER noW? YEs?

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i Go 2 lATviAn sKool IntERNet eTTICutt iNstiTUE to LerN ProPAr meThodOLogY communICATe wIt PeePLEs arONd worLD. Dis iS WaY WE tauGHT by GreaT iNTERneT PIOneeR aN TeacHER, BInaRY OvaRPOSt. hE is Da BOMb!!!!111! he Dibe v.faST and v.CooL CArs, an weaRS da PRopaR BLInG. MaNY SucH WonnerFULl ThiNGs we LERneD froM diS MASTer of EttICUtt!! WhILe I haBE yuO attention< PERHaPS i InterEST yuO in new, v.FAsT PC? LATviaN WhERE HaNGER 18, de BeSTesT FasTIst PC on dA PlaNEt EArth!!!! I saLE yUO V.CHEEp! OrDER NOw, and RECIbe FReE LATVIan MafiA SPyWeaR HITMAn packEGe! sI Da BEST SPyWARE PAckAGe! YuO waNT PlaCE OdER noW? YEs?


Oh me horkin' god

if ye want attention why dasn`t ye try t` put a piece o` ham in tour bung hole an` keel haul around?

Ya bilge rat whut deserves the black spot!


Edited by Silverbolt

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Oh, Gawd....Please do not even mention, nor even hint that you know Binary Overpost, if you want to retain your membership at CA. That's all we need....

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Frank Zappa fan (Zicron encrusted tweazers)?


Just me and the pygmie ponie, over by the dental floss bush.

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