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Heavies are nerfed with new patch?

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Hey guys, I am having a small problem with the latest patch! It seems that the C-130 flies well when it is on autopilot, or the computer is flying one, but once I take the controls, it just loses all yaw and pitch controls, and I fall from the sky. I DID NOT TOUCH THE FM. When I started with the modded AC-130, it was nerfed, so I basically redid the AC-130 mod, but used the stock C-130 to do it. It was quite easy (after I figured out the gun firing issue) But I can not get the plane to fly to save it's life! Does anyone have any ideas? If it using the stock FM form TK, I would figure it would fly. The plane is not too heavy as the AC-130 gunpod is well below the set limits in the cargo bay.






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