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Getting a bit confused about adding ground objects.

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Hi all,


Adding aircraft, weapons etc. I have very little problem with but when it comes to ground objects, well I just don't know if I'm quite getting it!


Some things I've added seem to show up fine, Chaparrals for example, but other objects hardly ever show.


Marder Roland, well its in my ground objects folder but I've never seen one, as for the Roland Shelter, I've seen it twice, once on the Red range, the other on the Range and both times it shot at me!


When I add an object to the Groundobject folder do I need to add it to the Groundobjectdata.ini and do I need to add it to the terrain_types.ini for a terrain that I may want it to show up in.


The thing is that there seems no rhyme or reason to it, I look at the various files for each object and compare them but I can see no obvious difference to explain why some objects show up very regularly and others never at all in single missions.


I've got all four versions of the game and seem to have the same problem in all of them, I never got carriers to show up in the Korean air mod for SFG so I reckon it must be me!


I've had a search in the forums but I've not found a definitive tutorial on this.


Sorry for being a bit thick. :dntknw:

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It's in the KB, but it took even me some digging to find...there a post on 'updated groundobjcts', and in the "Who's working on what' thread, about the GO fixes.


Are the main inis updated to patch3 standards???? Meaning, if you open, fer instance the Mroldand.ini, it looks like this..



ObjectFullName=Roland SAM



this goes at the very top of EVERY groundobjects main ini. (all yo need do is look at one of the stock vehicles to confirm)


also, check in the mroland_data.ini for the "GroundObjectRole=" line


it should be set to MOBILE_AAA



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench, :good:


Got them working now and it's a bit clearer to me now how it works.


Now if only I could get my head around carriers!



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