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Game Crash

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I had a break from SFP1 for a few years and came back to it. So i loaded up my CD and got the service pack and patch off thirdwire's website (the only 2 downloads you can get for SFP1 anyway) and whenever i press esc to finish a mission it just closes the game?! I have reloaded SFP1 and patched it before modding it, incase this was the problem but it still does it?

Anyone any wiser about this problem?



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Lemme guess... You're running Vista?



Note that the latest versions of WoV, WoE and WoI are Vista-capable. It's just SF and FE that are down on their luck so far but updates for them may come later.



Like a knight in shining armour, help was at hand lol. I updated all my driver, and in the end i had to mod the .cat effect shader thing. Chuffed as chips now, massive thanks to FasrCargo and Gr.Viper!

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me too I love this game sometimes I play the game almost full time a day in my room and no one can bother but sometimes also I will not eat because I enjoy so much on the game and the challenge going to difficult stage.

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