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YAP AC-130 Problem with 09.08 Patch

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If i use the YAP AC-130 in a WOV Install with the latest Patches, the standard Cockpitview is out of th left Window.

Is there a Way to fix that?

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You probably should contact the YAP team directly to get your problem solved.



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Or, alternately, you could fix that easily, yourself.



Open your cockpit ini, scroll down to [cockpitseat001] Notice about 3 lines down you see position. There are 3 numbers


Position=0.0,0.0,0.0<----- not what you have, but this is an example.


The 3 numbers are the axis at which the cockpit is positioned 0.0 (left and right) 0.0 (forward and back) 0.0 (up and down)

Now, the numbers can be positive, or negative. think of it as X,Y,Z coordinates.

0.0(left and right) if you want to go left, make the number a bigger negative number ie -0.65 NOTICE THE NEG NUMBER

0.0(forward and back) if you want to move forward a bit, go with positive numbers ie 0.65 NOTICE THE POS NUMBER

0.0(up and down) if you want to go up, use positive, down, use negative ie 0.65 NOTICE POS NUMBER


If I had the YAP aircraft I could fix it for you, but since I do not, you have to do it : (


If you ware wanting to go more right, there must be a negative number. Remember negative numbers go backwards, so if it is oh say -.65 and you want to go more right, try making it -0.15 or even 0.0.



Hope this helps



Edited by WombRaider

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YAP and future YAP2 don't need the patch!!!!Backup your files!

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