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Arming the balloons

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Has anyone tried to add a rifle to the balloons in FE? i have tried a few ideas so far but nothing has worked.


I think it would be realistic if the observers were armed with something, so i tried adding a Mauser and Lee Enfield to the Gundata.ini and tweaking the Data inis for the Caquot and Drachen but i can't get them to fire.


It would have to be a very low rate of fire and mostly harmless, but there would still be that one in a million chance that the pilot or engine would be hit.

Edited by WarlordATF

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Yep, actually what applies to air objects applies to ground objects as well.


You need to follow the heirachy rules of:


[GroundObjectData] ---> [Component] ----> SystemName[xxx]


You did the right thing naming the Components (Body and Basket), but under those entries, you didn't put any SystemNames...including your guns.


But you put the SystemNames under the [Gun] entry...but you didn't declare [Gun] as a Component.


So, just do some slight tweaking and you'll get it up and running.



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All i have changed so far was...











And sure enough the balloon took a shot at me! I Still need to tweak the Pitch and Yaw Angles a little because it only shot from the front, but its working now! It Should make Balloon Busting missions a little more interesting.

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All i have changed so far was...











And sure enough the balloon took a shot at me! I Still need to tweak the Pitch and Yaw Angles a little because it only shot from the front, but its working now! It Should make Balloon Busting missions a little more interesting.


EDIT: Its been tweaked and uploaded, Enjoy!



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Since the new patch with Labels i noticed that i Missed the Type AE German Balloons, i'm working on an update. Just to be sure, Are there any other Balloons other than the Caquot,Drachen and TypeAe? I don't want to make the same mistake again.




BTW, Anyone been shot by these things yet?

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The new version is uploaded and will add the Type Ae Balloons, Enjoy!

Edited by WarlordATF

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I'm pretty sure you can update your own upload. Look for the options in the lower left of the screen.



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