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Antiship Missions after october 08 patch

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After patch Oct 08 Antiship missions doesn't work. As soon the game starts I get the message Mission completed and If I Take Off anyway and trying to

Alt N to the Objective WP the game crashes I have tested it in VietnamSEA, GermanyCE, EAW Terrain, SFP1 Desert, And Black Sea Terrain and with different years and different planes with the same results. I'm using a WoV/WoE merged enviroment with october 2008 Patch. Before Oct 08 patch it worked. Is it only me or has anyone else experienced this?

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I've done a couple of Anti-Ship missions in WoI post patch and they worked fine. However I didn't get the mission complete message until I'd sunk something so that may be the problem.

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My weapons pack doesn't work after I installed the oct pack for sfp1.


Do you guys know how to fix this?

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If you're using an add on weapons pack, get the latest weapon editor and recompile the weapondata.dat file. Check the knowledge base for full details.

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Have had that problem with WOE for a while now...if you fly "red air" it works fine but a "blue air" anti-ship mission ends you off the map sometimes...no idea why and since like, 4 of us play anti-shipping missions it is very unlikely to get fixed...shame.


And why would you post a weapons pack question in this thread? There are like 72 threads already detailing that...

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The problem is I even don't get to take off before I get Mission Completed. It's the same result with Stock Aircraft and stock terrain.

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Look into the GroundObject folder, there should be 2 generic ships :

- CargoShip folder with CargoShip.ini inside

- Tanker folder with Tanker.ini inside


Are the ini's inside the folders ?

It could be that a merged install screws up the ships, thus no targets = crash/ mission accomplished on TO

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If there is no target I don`t think it will crash, you have only finished the mission. Something like "the ghost ship dissapear, USAF 1:0 Bad guy on the boat


Have to check my install to cause haven`t flown anti ship with the new patch!

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I found the "Ghost" the was screwing with the Anti Ship missions. It was a Nations.ini in the Flightfolder

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  DarthRevan said:
I found the "Ghost" the was screwing with the Anti Ship missions. It was a Nations.ini in the Flightfolder



how so? have been trying to get it to work for a while...soviet fighters work fine but US allied ones do not, they go off the map for me.



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Well in my case it helped to take out my modified Nations. ini from the Flightfolder.


I also reinstalled WoV/WoE and put pack all my mods one by one and found out that the modified Nations.ini in the flightfolder was the problem.


That was all I did.

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yep...that worked...the Nations mod tampered with it somehow...now how do I get the Nigerian Fleet Air Arm back in there?

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