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Use of IHADSS gun targeting in real life?

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Hey folks,


I've got free-track and gunship running pretty well together now. However, I have to make a trade off between smoothness of panning and accuracy of small head movements/fine targeting. I won't get into the details of why...


Anyway, if the chopper is stationary, I can use Free-track/IHADSS to spray targets that are relatively close. I say spray because it often involves having to walk a stream of fire around/through the target. Sometimes, I can actuall just get the cross hair on the target and fire a small burst. However, up above 30 kts or so, targeting anything off to the side of the chopper get very difficult unless I start spraying a lot of amo around.


I was just wondering at what speeds/distances/situations is the real IHADSS targeting of the gun in the Apache successful, and in what situations/how often the pilot actually firing and targeting the gun using the IHADSS?



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Over here? I'm sure quite alot. I personally don't know any Apache pilots, but if and when I talk to one I'll ask. And as far as tracking? Pretty fast, that I do know for sure. And as far as actual distances? If I knew I couldn't tell you, and I don't even honestly know myself.

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