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F-86F Sabre, Spanish Air Force

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F-86F Sabre, Spanish Air Force

F-86F "Sabre", Spanish Air Force (EDA) Mod


This package contains a complete aircraft, based on Zur's F-86F, as used by the Spanish Air Force, Ejército del Aire, during the late 1950s through approx 1965, when most were replaced by F-104G 'Starfighters'.


As stated, this is a COMPLETE nation-specific airplane, with all the trimmings, ready to unzip and fly away. It contains a new natural metal skin and decals for 18 aircraft. It represents Ala 1 at approximately 1959-ish ;) There are some small mods to the cockpit, namely my K-14 sight set (as seen on "The Hunters" Sabre mod), and the addition of an audio-only RWR (track sound ONLY). It is designed for use with ANY weapons pak, or none at all. The drop tanks are included, for those that don't have them, in the post-patch style of seperate folders.


Loadouts are standard USAF style; with the exception of Sidewinders. Historically, the EDA =did= upgrade their Sabres in the early 60s to the late F-40 standards, with the inclusion of the AIM-9 capability. This is still intact, but the loadout is adjusted to NOT give them to you right off. If you wish them, you'll have to edit the loadout ini or load them manually.


Included is a new sound "JetEngine2.wav", that has a more whiney turbo-jet sound than the stock JetEngine sound. Also for your enjoyment, is a new WoE-style Hangar screen -only available in the mod!!


This aircraft was tested in Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) WoE, it should work just as well in SF, WoV and WoI. Be advised, the FM might need a little tweeking for the new parameters post patch, but I've encounted no real adverse characteristics. It flys real nice as is!


For once, there's a pretty simple easy to follow readme (was that a sigh of relief I just heard??) But, still, PLEASE read the it!! As well as the expected Notes and Other Nonsense section for comments and the like :biggrin:


Happy Hunting!


Kevin Stein


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