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So I don`t knwo if you noticed it but this green Hud was a bit.... to green for my taste so I found a nice solution but look yourself. If some people want it please tell me and I can upload it.



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Yea, the green isnt right for the A-10 HUD.

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Going with the man who's seen it from that perspective, it may be a great idea to upload it :good::smile:

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Mh I was looking where I get this file from, it was the A-10 itself just renamed it and copied it into the skin folder and voila I have a new external HuD texture. It`s the "A-10HUDGlass.tga" can find it in the cockpit folder and rename it to "HUDGlass.tga" and copied it into the skinfolder but If someone wants I can upload this file with a small readme... it`s up to you

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Upload it brah.

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.....back to nice mode :biggrin:

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