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Been messing with the Talon Data...... sent them to Zur and he verified them...... they do work


Engine Changes




Wing Changes












Edit the Talon_Data.ini with the above changes and the Talon wing sweep should work as it should..... and the engines will allow you to ramp them up to full without making you a fireball.

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BIG thanks and KUDOS for getting this corrected...


I can model (though some may dispute this)... but when doing the .ini dance, I have two left feet.


Now if one of you intrepid souls can find the right perameter to get the wing-sweep to happen around 850 knots... :blush2:

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Edit these two lines:




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If you edit the engine settings too you dont end up a fireball if you go full burner.....

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Update on the Swing Settings Zur.....





thats a close as i can get it to 850kts m8....


will someone verify it?

Edited by Dreamstar

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That worked for the swing wings, thanks! Gives me a chance to fix some of the canopy animations of other airplanes.


But that did not work for the engine's exploding issue...so I tried this:




Dont forget to change it for all 30 engines! Was able to push it to 100% AB 'til it ran out of fuel...also was able to climb to 145k (FL140) with this change. For me at least, the airplane disappears above 112,000 feet and you only have the HUD.


Thanks again for this great airplane though, after adding the RCS tweaks from the DESERT STORM Mod, it is a real blast to fly around!



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That's because you hit "The Wall", Sparky. Yes, the map edge limit is ALSO a verticle limit too!!!


good to get the fix ... i'm still soooo far behind on updating stuff to 08 levels...sigh....only so many hours in a day, and too many installs!! :wink:



kevin stein

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Nice plane. I just opened up the data.ini on your plane and was astonished to see the 30 engine entry however only engine 1 and 2 has SLthrust. i also noticed this on Mirage Factory F-14 for SF2 w/c i ported on WOE, that one has 6 engines 2 of them being prop. My question is. how does this affect the plane model? does this help in increasing engine stress limit? Will it enabling the plane to reach mach 6 without blowing up? Please enlighten me. thanks!

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It is possible to put 'fake engines' in the ini entries to do other things and yet consume no fuel or deliver thrust.


For instance, those 6 entries in the F-14...2 of them are for extra AB effects and the 2 prop entries are to spin the turbine disks.



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It is possible to put 'fake engines' in the ini entries to do other things and yet consume no fuel or deliver thrust.


For instance, those 6 entries in the F-14...2 of them are for extra AB effects and the 2 prop entries are to spin the turbine disks.




I forgot about this. i know its late but, Thanks man! Happy New Year!

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