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Installed the latest MF Weapon Pack for WOE and no weapons are available at all- even AI aircraft are armed only with cannons (no A-A missiles or bombs).


Any idea what is screwed up?


This is after a clean WOE install, the 10/2008 Service Pack, NATO Fighters I and II and MF Weapons Pack installed prior to even firing up the game.

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Let me guess...did you use the latest version of the Weapons Editor?


Also, I don't think NF I and II are compatible with the latest patches or the MF weapons pack (I could be wrong about that).


Check the weapons editor first (goto ThirdWire.com to download it).



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Also the fact that the NATO Fighter series is designed NOT use any weapons pak whatsoever ( as stated in both readmes). It's designed as a 'stand alone, total conversion mod' of the stock game, but retains ALL the stock weapons.


Also, NF 1 & 2 have NOT be upgraded to the latest patch standards...I think C5 is working on a NF 3 that will be.


So, if you want to play NF 1/2, you need an upatched (NO 2008 dated patches!!! use the 2006 patch ONLY), and leave it be. NO weapons pak; just as it came out of the zip, so to speak.



kevin stein

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