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Jeremiah Weed

This is more of a Photoshop CS3 question than anything

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I am working on my Rhodesia Mod and was wondering if someone could give me some advice or a technique on how as to make people look African, with out it looking ridiculous or construed as incredibility racist?

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I'm assuming you want to 'reskin' (yes, pun intended) the infantry troops, and/or pilot figures??


Easily done (mind you, I use PS 6), by creating another layer of the pilot/troop's face, and trying the 'replace color' , and darken them down. Don't go too black, or you'll loose the facial features. You may need to repaint the eyes and such.



kevin stein

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Yes, indeed I am trying to "reskin" the troops! I will try that right now. I'm not the most advance photoshop user in the world so thanks for the help Wrench.

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Now THATs an Idea I'd forgotten....


used that on the Talon pilot figures...the male figure is the star's face (not the black guy).


You'd just have to fiddle with the size to work it down so it fits into the helmet.



kevin stein

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Now THATs an Idea I'd forgotten....


used that on the Talon pilot figures...the male figure is the star's face (not the black guy).


You'd just have to fiddle with the size to work it down so it fits into the helmet.



kevin stein


I'll make all the ZANU guys all look like Mugabe :biggrin:

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