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Time to Rock and Roll

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5.5 earhtquake gave So. Cal something to dance to this evening. Funny how I never seem to fell these things roll through. :dntknw:

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speaking off rock and roll.... :)

The best cover of the song "Lady in Black" i ever saw,

a warriors song:




She came to me one morning

One lonely sunday morning

Her long hair flowing

In the midwinter wind

I know not how she found me

For in darkness I was walking

And destruction lay around me

From a fight I could not win

Ah ah ah ...


She asked me name my foe then

I said the need within some men

To fight and kill their brothers

Without thought of love or god

And I begged her give me horses

To trample down my enemies

So eager was my passion

To devour this waste of life

Ah ah ah ...


But she wouldnt think of battle that

Reduces men to animals

So easy to begin

And yet impossible to end

For shes the mother of our men

Who counselled me so wisely then

I feared to walk alone again

And asked if she would stay

Ah ah ah ...


Oh lady lend your hand outright

And let me rest here at your side

Have faith and trust

In peace she said

And filled my heart with life

There is no strength in numbers

Have no such misconception

But when you need me

Be assured I wont be far away

Ah ah ah ...


Thus having spoke she turned away

And though I found no words to say

I stood and watched until I saw

Her black coat disappear

My labour is no easier

But now I know Im not alone

I find new heart each time

I think upon that windy day

And if one day she comes to you

Drink deeply from her words so wise

Take courage from her

As your prize

And say hello from me

Ah ah ah ...

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