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Lt. James Cater


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I was helping a friend move and in his garage ran across a comp. He said that it's his old one and that it served him well until the H/D went down and that was all she wrote. I gave him an offer but he just said "what the hell" and it was mine for free.


So now here i am with an E-machines T-2885 and am wondering what decently priced hard drive i can put into it to fire it up once again.


Anyone have a clue? My other E-machine is a T-3120 and i had no problems with it as far as gaming goes until it caught a vicious virus and i screwed it all up with inept repairs. I have yet to take it in to get fixed.



Thanks all!

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most any hard drive will work, excluding the newer ones that are like half a tera byte, $100 worth of western digital outta do,,

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Thanks for the info.


One thing i am going to do is get the system specs and see exactly which games i have that run well on this comp. The Dell i'm now using is such a dog, it can only be relied upon for basic internet duties.

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Depends of the emachine's mother board takes only IDE or Sata. Emachines, more than likely you need to find a E/IDE drive to get things running (they come real cheap.)


If you get a new hard drive you need to transfer all of the old stuff from the previous emachines drive (with the exact same drivers and specs), or else you are going to have to reinstall all of your operating system and drivers from anew. You could try a recovery disk as well (most emachines I had came with one.)


For your other emachine, you can run a few virus and adware scans for free. I usually go online and use Trencmicro (google search), then go use spybot search and destroy, followed by norton or AVG (which are trial based). That usually wipes out most of the stuff that tries to dial out and or uses your system to download and make new viruses. Finally follow it all up with "hijack this". Downloads.com has section with a lot of free and trial based anti-spyware and ad ware utilities.


If your system is really crapped up, then just wipe it, or do a recovery (using the disk) and start over.


Btw, if you are going to reinstall windows, I suggest you make a copy of your current product key using this http://magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder/. That way in case you loose the key or have a problem with your recovery you will still have your valid product key.

Edited by ironroad

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Thanks for the info.


From what i found out, it's a E/IDE drive type setup. I'm going for a simple install and go via the recovery disc i have. Spybot is pretty much the first thing i always download and i'm big on free scans also.


A few months ago i was big into Zonealarm for their firewall and antivirus suite but have used Comodo a lot recently. This Dell (an ancient 4400) i'm posting with is impossible to use for current gaming. My T-3120 was everything i needed to fly missions and do pretty much whatever gaming i wanted. Only a single game (Age of Sails2) ever failed to run on it. Next payday i'm taking it into town and getting it fixed up.



Now that i think about it...I do need a new joystick too. Might as well go to Amazon and check things out. I've have a real feel for the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro since my Mechwarrior days. They might be tempermental sticks, but they've worked for me. My current stick is virtually worn out.

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