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Q: how to edit out map labels.

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I recently picked up WOI. I am now editing the HUD and MISION INIs to get my favorite views back.


I edited out the friendly and enemy plane icons from the map, but I noticed that WOI introduced map labels and even though the icons no longer appear, I can still see the labels for the enemy planes flying around. Is there a way to remove these?

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I also would like to edit or get rid of them.


Can't find how to do it.

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I figured out the answer, in the HUD.DATA INI, if you switch the map label answer in the [MAP] section from TRUE to FALSE, it turns off all map labels.


Unfortunately, it is a global setting, all map labels are either on or off. It would be nice if we could just turn off the AC label and keep the ground targets label.

Edited by Sherpa

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