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Is Pfalzes correct? :biggrin: I have Greg VanWyngarden's Pfalz aces book, but it only shows a couple, and I doubt Otto Kaus' striped fuselage could be done, because of the vagaries of this model's fuselage and the way it distorts paint or decals in the rear fuselage area. I'm working on a number of new skins, a new ex works, a new lozenge pattern, both with revised tailplanes, and a number of Jasta 10 schemes, although some will be somewhat problematical, like Klein's and Rudenberg's, because of the kinks, twists, and distortions of the model's lod. It isn't perfect, but I'm glad Capun and the ATeam brought it to us, because this was a very important German fighter in terms of numbers, and despite any flaws in the model, or real life, remains one of my WW1 favorites, ever since a classmate named Cheryl, I think, gave me a model of one as a sixth grade secret Santa gift all those years ago...

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