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I think I have a problem......

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Now, my problem is missing weapons, but it's not the ususal suspects. I know to delete the existing weapondata.dat file, run the wep editior, and viola. BUT, my puter automatically turns .dat files into nero media player files. When I save, it doesn't read the .dat file and I have no weps. Any suggestions?? b.t.w. i've already tried asking a higher power, and my calls haven't been returned, lol!


EDIT: Nevermind the man behind the curtain...................a quick d/l of TK's newest weps editor and the resulting save fixed my issue, turns out how windows saves the file has nothing to do with it, sorry for the waste of bandwidth.

Edited by Sakai

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Yah but something like that is always good to know for somebody, so it's all good :good:

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