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Gripen Loading Screen

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Wouldn't it be easier to just zip up 8 or 10 of these into single packages, and upload THAT pakcage?

When posting in the Announcements Thread something like:


"Hangar and Loadings Screens for the following aircraft










Release threads for other Mods get lost this, with (I hate to call it this) "mini-floods" of smaller mod paks, that drive them down and off the 1st page and out of sight.


Also dosen't tie up your end with upload after upload after upload; have them all together in one, simple to upload (and download) package. You can even group 'types' togehter in coherent packages -- like, all the MiGs, NATO aircraft, US, Swedish, whatever.


Give that some thought, please?

Thank you!! :good:


btw, nice choices of pics!



kevin stein

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