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Does anybody know of a fix for certain add-on aircraft starting the mission half way up the runway and overlapping each other in the exact same spot? A good example is the MiG-21bis which I extracted from WOI. It starts fine in the normal position on the runway in the new WOE Autumn terrain but this problem happens with the Winter terrain.

I'm pretty sure I'll have to tweak some ini file in the terrain folder but I'm also afraid to go near it without messing the whole terrain up in the process.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? :dntknw:

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I started getting this too after applying the latest updates. Mostly with add-on terrains.

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Just out of curiosity, are there old prepatch airfield inis in the terrains in question?


Does the targets in reference a particular TYPE of airfield ini? ie: a desert_arifield*.ini or something like that?

Are you terrain cat pointers references correct?

Are you using a 3rd party 'parked airplanes' mod? --that'll have to be removed until comprt can readjust for the new parking spaces called out in the post-patch airfield inis



kevin stein

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Problem solved guys. A stupid oversight on my part. I forgot to remane the CAT file in the new Winter terrain. Everything's starting on the runway where they should be. :biggrin: Thanks for the asistance, Wrench

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