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Hello, good day to all.


I was wondering if there is a possibility to change the dates for ANY airplane, i mentioned the GUNVAL sabre because i'm trying to set up the Korean war mod and when i drop the sabre in game it appears 1964 (or so) as begining date, do you, guys know how to change it and if there is something on the KB please point me where.

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This is EXACTLY where to go, u cant miss it, just read this and it will tell u where to go and what to do, in regards to the aircraft data ini.


You know, i think everything is ok with that part, because it the star year appears in the data.ini as 1952, but in the game it appears as 1964, but sisnce i'm not home right now i'll check it tonight.

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Guest Tazkiller

The service entry year for the F-86F-2 is correct.


To allow it to function in the simulation go to you main folder for your installation.


Open the Options Folder.


Scroll Down and change any service start dates to before 1952.


As a general rule in setting the service start dates to 1903 is safe.


1903 being the year of the first powered flight of the Wrigh Bros.

Edited by Tazkiller

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