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    El Salvador
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    Preferably Vietnam and Soviet related themes.


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  1. Nice seen you there Carlo! Guys, one more: as I start to work on the cockpits for the first models my question will be regarding colors, I have seen the F/F-13/PF/PFM/U and some US's as having the cockpit tubs in some sort of gray (may have seem more than one shade of gray) and black dashboards (S seems to have a black panel too) then they moved to an almost all in turquoise, (M/SM/MF/SMT/Bis/US/UM) dashboard included. Is this about right guys? With this i mean planes in service, i understand there were some repaints later which, possibly, will be added as time allows. Happy to read your comments, everything helps.
  2. One more (there will be lots of questions here) I have seen in the wings some panels that seem like a brass allow, or something of the kind, was this somehow visible in service? I recall I saw it (ish) in Poland and The Netherlands
  3. Well, after 2K ish more polys, this was as far as i was able with all the pics from internet and the ones i took BTW, no F-13 was ever camouflaged in Soviet service, am I right?
  4. It is in my mind, but for now, gotta finish the Soviet Family ;)
  5. Hey Guys, hope this goes in the right forum. For some instability issues (being an IT guy) I had to format my PC and all went well until I added the SF Object Exporter (Dec2010-C) where I got the following error: This error (Code Error126) as I found in other forums is due to corruption or lack of some Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries, and it's advised to reinstall it in 32 and 64 bits. Reinstall it was a no-go for me. Tried to reinstall Max and fully clean up the Autodesk footprint, with the same result. So, here I am with the only idea to format the machine again (Windows 11) unless someone here has a better idea. Thanks in advance guys!
  6. Oh yeah! We all had the same idea.
  7. MiG-21F-13 External job is done, now let's go to the cockpit and aft cockpit details, pictures of the aft piping are welcome Not bad for 26k polys me thinks
  8. What if it's added as a Fuel Tank and given the flares function in the data.ini?
  9. I need details on this pod too...
  10. From Wikipedia: MiG-21RF (Izdeliye 94RA; NATO "Fishbed-H") Egyptian designation for MiG-21R aircraft which had been locally modified by permanently mounting the cameras in a fairing under the nose. 16 or 18 planes were modified, the R11F2-300 turbojet, the pitot was moved to the right and no AoA vanes were present. Look at the side air sensor, inherited from the PFM series All R models were configured in this way BUT and yes, a big BUT Quoting Wikipedia again: MiG-21RF (Izdeliye 96R; NATO "Fishbed-H") Not to be confused with the Egyptian local designation "MiG-21RF." This designation was used after some MiG-21Rs were upgraded with R13-300 engines as in the MiG-21MF. So, this is a yes and a no on all previous statements and we will be more confused Now I will have another version to be made hahahahahahahahahaahhaha
  11. I remember the RF was an specific version of the recon bird with the cameras mounted under and part of the fuselage, while the variants using the recon pods were called R, domestic or export Now, talking about the recon pods, does anyone have details of them, the D/N/R? like the stencils and panelings?
  12. And now, that is a task to be added to the pendings, again, as a bump map. Thanks, guys, I may have more questions coming.
  13. Safety goes first... Thanks i needed those angles as i have the ones from the 4+ magazine. Now, correct me if i am wrong, the trainers, the main variants are: -MiG-21U-400, with F-13/PF wings, tail, SK seat, and chute (under the fuselage), no periscope. -MiG-21U-600, with blown flaps and PFM tail with the chute at the VTail base, no periscope. -MiG-21US, with KM-1 seat, periscope in the instructor seat. -MiG-21UM, with the 3rd generation avionics, a distinctive antenna on the aft spine. All trainers had the bigger wheels and the bigger fuselage bulge. Hope i got it straight, if not, all corrections are welcome.
  14. Agree on the retrofit, however the UMs had provision for a gun, and i am referring to the recon birds. On another subject, this thread should have called MiG-21 Variants discussion, so we can discuss the rest of variants i have on the pipeline... What you say??

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